58 Best Christian Movies on Amazon Prime to Watch Right Now

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Web-based features have arisen as a safe house for a wide range of diversion in the computerized period, including strict programming. Amazon Prime has transformed into a head out to hotspot for amazing Christian movies for those searching for illumination and moving based on a true story. Amazon Prime has a changed assortment of religious motion pictures that enticement for a wide range of interests and convictions, going from scriptural stories to present day misfortunes. We’ll take you on a tour of the world of Christian movies available on Amazon Prime in this post.

Prepare to discover a wealth of inspiring and spiritually enlightening movies that are just a click away.

Table of Contents

The List of The Best Christian Movies on Amazon Prime Video

1. The Passion of the Christ

The depiction of Jesus Christ’s last hours in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” is legendary. The sacrifice of Christ and the depths of His love are powerfully shown in this intense movie.

2. God’s Not Dead

“God’s Not Dead” inspects how religion and reason might exist together as an understudy manages a requesting theory teacher. The movie researches the helping through issue of whether God exists as well as the backbone expected to stay aware of one’s certainty.

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3. Where Hope Grows

The contacting story of an unforeseen connection between a previous baseball star and a supermarket representative with Down condition is told in the book ” Where Hope Grows.” It is an account of pardoning, renewed opportunities, and the strength of faithful love.

4. I Still Believe

“I Still Believe” looks at adoration, misfortune, and confidence despite trouble. It depends on the genuine encounter of Christian artist Jeremy Camp. It’s honesty’s, a strong tribute to the everlasting strength and idealism.

5. War Room

As a lady learns the transformational power of prayer, “War Room” takes viewers on a spiritual awakening trip. This movie fills in as an update that request is an amazing asset that might impact revolutionary change.

6. The Ultimate Gift

A young fellow’s self-awareness and otherworldly illumination are chronicled in the contacting novel “The Ultimate Gift” through a progression of lessons and difficulties that his late granddad left for him.

7. The Case for Christ

Based on investigative journalist Lee Strobel’s real-life experiences, “The Case for Christ” charts his conversion to Christianity after beginning as an atheist and discovering evidence to the contrary.

8. Miracles from Heaven

The heartwarming tale “Miracles from Heaven” tells of a mother’s staunch belief as she looks to God for supernatural intervention her her kid who battles a chronic disease.

9. Fireproof

Marriage, responsibility, and religion are completely investigated in “Fireproof” as a fire fighter sets out on a 40-day journey to fix his faltering marriage.

10. The Shack

The movie “The Shack” has become a success taking audiences on a captivating journey, as a grieving father encounters the Heavenly Trinity over a weekend finding solace and redemption.

11. Break Every Chain

In which movie we study the strength of love and belief in a movie called “Break Every Chain.” It displays the struggles and victories of those who utilized Jesus Christ’s power to conquer temptation and misfortune.

12. Run The Race

In which The story of two identical brothers following their ambitions and surviving life is presented in this inspirational sporting movie. The capacity for resilience, loved ones, and religion are major concepts in “Run the Race.”

13. Family Camp

The movie “Family Camp” is a sweet family comedy that examines the dynamics of siblings bonding throughout an outdoors vacation. It points out the value of the neighborhood filled with smile and useful life lessons.

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14. Heaven Is for Real

The movie “Heaven Is for Real” tells the amazing story of a little boy who claims to have seen paradise after almost dying, in light of a remarkable incident. It looks at the value of trust, confidence, and unique viewpoints from the amazing history.

15. On a Wing and a Prayer

This engaging story exposes the difficult acts and connections to strong safety of the plane pilots of World War II, step by step. “On a Wing and a Prayer” honors the bravery and self-assurance of those who faced extraordinary circumstances.

16. The Girl Who Believes in Miracles

The movie “The Girl Who Believes in Miracles” is a kids’ book that follows a young lady’s resolute confidence and the shocking occasions that outcome from it. It’s a moving record of confidence in real life.

17. The Pilgrim’s Progress

The movie ” The Pilgrim’s Progress ” rejuvenates John Bunyan’s exemplary moral story by following Christian as he sets out on a profound excursion weighed down with difficulties, enticements, and, at long last, reclamation.

18. Same Kind of Different as Me

The movie “Same Kind of Different as Me” In view of the genuine record of a rich workmanship gatherer, a destitute person, and the uncommon bond that joins their totally different universes. It shows the force of sympathy and joint effort.

19. I Can Only Imagine

In view of the genuine record of a rich workmanship gatherer, a destitute person, and the uncommon bond that joins their totally different universes. It shows the force of sympathy and joint effort.

20. Selfie Dad

The entertaining parody “Selfie Dad” follows a father as he pursues his fantasy about turning into a professional comic while finding the delights of religion and family.

21. Priceless

The strong show “Priceless” draws mindfulness about illegal exploitation. The story underlines the worth of each and every person by retelling the tale of a man who unexpectedly ascends to the place of legend in the battle against this horrible association.

22. Soul Surfer

“Soul Surfer” is a persuading story regarding assurance, vigor, and strict on the presence of Bethany Hamilton, an energetic surfer who lost her arm to a shark attack.

23. A Box of Faith

“A Box of Faith” is a dazzling tale about a young woman’s supernatural outing as she fights to help her family’s getting through fiscally and encounters astonishing miracles on the way.

24. Letters to God

The contacting show “Letters to God” depends on the genuine story of a young man who is doing combating disorder and tracks down comfort recorded as a hard copy letter to God. The movie inspects inquiries of local area, religion, and trust.

25. October Baby

The persuading show “October Baby” follows a small child as she confronts the special bits of knowledge of her arrangement of encounters and finds who she genuinely is and what she will undoubtedly achieve.

26. Grace Unplugged

The movie ” Grace Unplugged ” tells the story of a gifted youthful vocalist who embarks to track down her own discernment and confidence to satisfy her expressive desires.

27. Angels Unaware

The moving family show ” Angels Unaware” is on a more odd who out of nowhere shows up and carries solace and desire to a deprived family.

28. The Apostles After Jesus

This authentic show examines the missionaries’ The Apostles After Jesus’ demise to accentuate their resolute obligation to teaching the gospel.

29. Before All Others

“Before to All Others” is a contacting tale about a lady who really focuses on and safeguards her stranded girl, displaying the force of adoration and sympathy.

30. One Night with the King

The book “One Night with the King” tells the story of Esther, a unique Jewish lady who ascends to drive and uses what is going on to safeguard her loved ones.

31. Christian Mingle

“Christian Mingle” is a rom-com that follows the jokes of a lady who professes to be a Christian to track down affection however ultimately goes on an otherworldly excursion of self-disclosure.

32. 17 Miracles

“17 Miracles” is a verifiable fiction set in the beginning of settlement that offers genuine accounts of confidence and otherworldly help during the tricky Mormon trailblazer journey to Utah.

33. I’m in Love with a Church Girl

In this sincere story, a past road drug specialist goes completely gaga for an energetic Christian woman, convincing him to confront his past and embrace Christianity.

34. Faith’s Song

The contacting family show ” Faith’s Song investigates subjects of misfortune, rebuilding, and the influence of music notwithstanding affliction.

35. Beauty And The Beast: A Latter-Day Tale

A little kid meets an unpleasant person with a dim past in this cutting edge variant of the old fantasy, which investigates subjects of change, love, and confidence.

36. Courageous

The holding show “Courageous” follows the existences of four cops and their assurance to become better dads and good examples locally.

37. Overcomer

The holding show “Overcomer” follows the existences of four cops and their assurance to become better dads and good examples locally.

38. Love, Kennedy

Taking into account an ensured story, the movie “Love, Kennedy” depicts the groundbreaking presence of a small child with a striking inborn illness who leave an inheritance for worship and trust.

39. Do You Believe?

“Do You Believe?” provokes the watchers to ponder their own convictions and the outcomes of religion by winding around together the accounts of various people whose lives meet.

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40. Heavenly Deposit

The contacting story of a striving man who has an otherworldly experience that changes his way of living is viewed as in ” Heavenly Deposit “.

41. Lifemark

As its characters battle with their pasts, “Lifemark” is a puncturing show that ganders at the thoughts of disappointment, penitence, as split the difference.

42. Saul: The Journey to Damascus

In this verifiable play, Saul: The Journey to Damascus, goes through a transformation, into the Witness Paul, stressing the real impact and wonderful intercession.

43. Drawing Strength

A contacting story named “Drawing Strength” depicts a gathering between people who had gotten through misery and exhibits how their common strict convictions had assisted them with beating difficulties.

44. Catching Faith

” Catching Faith” inspects the ups and downs of a family’s otherworldly excursion as they figure out how to rely upon their confidence under troublesome conditions and to manage life’s hardships.

45. The Hiding Place 

“The Hiding Place,” based on the book by Corrie ten Boom, tells the horrifying story of a Dutch family who bravely helped Jews escape the Nazis during World War II.

46. The Gospel of John 

“The Gospel of John” is a movie that beautifully captures the essence of Jesus Christs life, teachings and examples as described in the Book of John.

47. The Most Reluctant Convert

With this proceed movie, we follow author and researcher C.S. Lewis as he converts to Christian and begins a process of shift.

48. The Lion of Judah

This cartoon history called “The Lion of Judah” focuses on a cast of pets that see what happens preceding through the death and reappearance of Jesus.

49. Once Upon a Summer

Take a memorable trip down the road of memories with the emotional drama about a family “Once Upon a Summer,” which acts as an example of the value of both religion and family.

50. The Cokeville Miracle

A kidnapping situation at a nearby school is shown in “The Cokeville Miracle” as displaying either courage and supernatural support.

51. Reggie’s Prayer 

“Reggies Prayer” is an inspiring sports movie that narrates the narrative of a sportsman searching for purpose in life as considering issues of morality & belief.

52. The Grinch 

While its status as a movie, “The Grinch” (2018) is a remarkable story of repentance and human development that goes on concepts like trust, mercy, and the force of lovin

53. Altar Egos (2017)

The movie “Altar Egos” addresses the value of love and peace while satirically assessing the workings of worship and the odd behaviors of its faithful.

54. God’s Compass (2016)

In which movie we watch a woman’s quest of belief and finding oneself in the story “Gods Compass” shortly after a tragic event.

55. 2nd Greatest

The father character in the television series “Second Greatest” aims to be the best dad he may be, highlighting the necessity of solid familial relationships and ethics.

56. Joni (1979)

The historical television series “Joni” centers on the story of Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who faced hardships after suffering a paralysis-causing accident.

57. Harriet Tubman: They Called Her Moses (2021)

The historic television series “Harriet Tubman; They Called Her Moses” honors the courage and faith of one of the leaders in the struggle against the slave trade, the late Harriet Tubman.

58. Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace (2000)

A pastor named Dietrich Bonhoeffer faced down the Nazis and suffered death for his conviction and resistance. The biography “Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace” describes his legacy and life.

These Christian movies provide a wide range of topics and styles, providing audiences with a multitude of options, from amazing stories from Scripture to a merging of modern series. Whatever your goal is inspiration, satisfaction, or a closer connection to your faith, those movies are an amazing collection of emotional tales that will uplift and invigorate you. Examine these extraordinary adventures on video, and let what they say to inspire and transform you.


As we go closer with our analysis of the Christian religious movies available on Amazon Prime, it is clearly obvious that this online service has developed into a useful tool for anybody looking for wholesome important worth watching. Whether you’re looking to watch family movies, hit TV series, or biblical narratives, Amazon Prime offers a vast selection that is sure to inspire, uplift, and amuse you.

These movies serve as a welcome wake-up call about the importance of narrative in shaping our unearthly course of events, as well as our capacity of trust and confidence. So, keep in mind that a vast library of Christian movies is waiting for you on Amazon. Plan a moment when you’ll need ideas or just a meaningful movie night. Accept the tales that conflict with your emotions and reinforce your beliefs, and allow the power of cinema to continue transforming your life.


1. Does Amazon Prime have any Christian movies available to watch?

Indeed, various Christian movies are accessible on Amazon Prime, including scriptural legends, religious shows, and inspiring family flicks. Subscribers get access to a wide variety of religiously themed material that suits a range of preferences and worldviews.

2. What is the best Christian movie out now?

The “best” Christian movie will rely on your own tastes and the particular message or subject you’re looking for. It’s a good idea to examine the current releases and reviews on streaming services like Amazon Prime to locate a movie that speaks to you as new Christian movies are often added to these catalogs.

3. What is the Jesus series on Amazon Prime?

Titles covering the life and lessons of Jesus Christ might be remembered for the “Jesus” series on Amazon Prime. Famous shows with top to bottom portrayals of Jesus’ life and work incorporate “The Picked” and “Jesus of Nazareth.”

4. Does Netflix have Christian movies?

Yes, Netflix has a variety of Christian movies available. Although its selection of faith-based movies may not be as large as Amazon Prime’s, you can discover a range of them, including biblical adaptations, motivational dramas, and family-friendly fare.

5. Is there a Jesus movie on Netflix?

Netflix sometimes offers programming with a Christian theme. Examples of Netflix movies with an emphasis on the life of Jesus include “The Young Messiah” and “Son of God.”

6. Is there Bible stories on Netflix?

Without a doubt, Netflix has an assurance of motion pictures and television programs considering scriptural stories. Scriptural stories have been changed into movies like “Noah,” “Departure: Divine animals and Rulers,” and “The Incomparable book” series, which especially portray different scriptural stories.

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