20 Best Christian Movies on HBO Max To Watch in 2024

Christian Movies On Hbo Max

Hi there, fellow film buffs! Do you know that Hbomax has a selection of Christian films? It’s not simply found in high-action television programs. We’ve put up a selection of 20 movies that suit different tastes. HBO Max offers a wide variety of content, including thought-provoking children movies, dramas and endearing animated movies suitable for a family audience. This streaming service offers a wide selection of tales that revolve on faith-based films, hope, or just passing the time. Now, prepare to indulge in some popcorn.

As you settle in, be ready for the impact of faith-based films. We invite you to discover uplifting narratives that nourish your spirit and cause you to ponder on the beauty of life, faith, and the resiliency of humanity—from classic, endearing movies to thought-provoking tales.

The List of 20 Best Christian Movies on HBO Max

1. The Chronicles of Narnia:

The 2005 fantasy adventure film “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” chronicles the adventures of four children who unintentionally stumble into a parallel universe. Students must deal with a witch in this situation in order to restore harmony to the region. 

2. The Prince of Egypt (1998):

The narrative of Moses and his voyage, most notably the escape from Egypt, is presented in the animated musical “The Prince of Egypt”. This inspirational saying discusses liberty, courage, and faith.

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3. The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021):

For those searching for an animated comedy with thought-provoking themes, “The Mitchells vs. The Machines” (2021) is a hilarious film that imparts life lessons. While not overtly religious, the program addresses family dynamics and maintaining faith through life’s transitions. Viewers may readily relate with it since it is so relatable.

4. The Secret of Kells (2009): 

I think the 2009 animated picture “The Secret of Kells” is a wonderful work that is inspired by Christianity and mythology. The statement describes the travels of a monk who is out to complete a task. These are the main obstacles he must overcome in order to live his life. 

5. Ferdinand (2017):

A children’s book was adapted into the film Ferdinand. It tells the story of a kind bull that loves peace and quiet, but other people see him differently since they think he’s a dangerous animal. We learn from this film the value of having faith in oneself and never giving up.

6. Silence (2016):

This movie is amazing; star takes us back to ancient Japan given a tour by Jesuit missionaries. The film delves into a number of subjects, such as hardship, faith, and the missionaries’ steadfast perseverance in the face of extreme adversity.

7. Doubt (2008):

Via the tale of a priest who is wrongfully accused of sexual misbehavior, this film aims to explore questions of belief and what constitutes right and evil.

8. Unbroken (2014):

This fantastic film is on a man called Louis Zamperini who becomes entangled in the mayhem of World War II. It demonstrates his unwavering commitment to upholding his moral principles and his will to bravely tackle challenges.

9. I Am Greta (2020):

This thought-provoking documentary follows Greta Thunberg, a climate activist who has motivated countless individuals worldwide to take action against climate change. According to the statement, the film focuses on fantasies and ambitions rather than God or any other religion.

10. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (2018):

The documentary on Fred Rogers and the impact of his television program, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, is very inspirational. It instills in us the importance of having empathy and demonstrating love for others. How one individual can have such a significant influence on the globe is astounding.

11. Mary Magdalene (2018):

We are given a perspective on Mary Magdalenes life in this film. It explores her relationship with Jesus Christ as well. It also emphasizes her significance to Christianity.

12. The Last Temptation of Christ (1988):

It is highly suggested that you watch these videos if you want to enjoy yourself!” The Temptation of Christ,” a 1988 film, raises an intriguing question: “How did Christ resist the temptation, and how did he remain certain?” The viewpoint that is being offered has the ability to resonate with viewers.

13. The Song of Bernadette: 

The biography of Saint Bernadette Soubirous is given in great detail in the film “The Song of Bernadette”. It tells of her encounter with the Virgin Mary at France’s Lourdes.

14. Calvary (2014):

The 2014 film “Calvary” is a comedy. We follow the lives of a priest in this movie who is in danger from an unidentified individual. The movie looks at belief, forgiveness, and the challenge of deciding what is good or wrong.

15. Winter’s Bone (2010):

Dedicated Missourians on a mission to spite her father. The storyline touches on themes of resiliency, familial bonds, and making the right decision in the face of adversity, even if it isn’t overtly religious.

16. Risen (2016): 

This Rome-set film centers on a military investigator who is tasked with determining what became of Jesus’ corpse following his disappearance. When he saw his own resurrection, I was really taken aback; it was an amazing experience. Through an analysis of issues like doubt, faith, and the strength of believing, this course offers a thorough understanding of the Easter story.

17. Miracle on 34th Street (1947):

A timeless Christmas movie that tells the story of a guy claiming to be Santa Claus and instills in us the value of perseverance and faith. It has a reminder for what seems like forever.

Also Read: Christian Movies on Amazon Prime Video

18. The Shack (2017):

This film, which was adapted from a novel, is about a guy who lost his kid and is using a mystery cabin adventure to help him cope with his loss. The book you gave us delves extensively into subjects like acceptance in difficult times, kindness, and finding meaning in life. There is hope and healing in this story’s inspirational message.

19. Defiance (2008):

Based on the true tale of four courageous brothers who stood up to the brutal Nazi dictatorship during the Holocaust, the movie tells their narrative. These Bielski brothers are a living example of bravery and tenacity in the face of difficulty because they risked their lives to rescue others. The movie looks at courage, faith, and the desire to live in the face of extreme adversity.

20. The Way (2010):

A well-known American actor travels to France after his son, who was visiting Santiago de Compost Ela, passes away. As he sets off on this adventure, he discovers that he is changing. He starts to rediscover his religion and finds serenity—even in strange places. The film tackles a number of heavy topics, including forgiveness, bereavement, and the transformative power of nature.

Have fun on your journey! I’m not sure whether the continuation will be useful, but I’ll do my best to provide the HBO Max movie selection that suits the tastes of my readers. Well, feel free to ask questions or make demands if you have any.

Final Thoughts

I hope the list of the top 20 HBO Max movies was helpful and interesting to you. But this is just the beginning. These are excellent films. It’s evident in their writing and perspective that they are grounded in religion; it’s well worth seeing. In order to continue broadening our horizons and deepening our understanding, we must continue to discover new things, watch films, and discover those that resonate with us. Happy viewing, everyone!


Q: What are some notable Christian movies available on HBO Max to watch in 2024?

You can view some movies on HBO Max in 2024. Among them are “Gods Not,” “The Case for Christ,” “I Believe,” “Heaven is, for Real,” and “Breakthrough.”

Q: How can I stream Christian movies on HBO Max?

You must first subscribe to HBO Max in order to view movies there. After that, you may use your membership to watch the movies that are accessible.

Q: What are some features of HBO Max in 2023 that I should know about?

HBO Max introduced a streaming option in 2023 that allows users to watch a wide variety of material without any limitations. Additionally, customers now have the opportunity to choose between annual subscription payment plans.

Q: Are there any TV shows with Christian themes available on HBO Max?

Indeed, HBO Max has a range of series delving into various subjects, such as “The Chosen” and “The Bible.”

Q: Where can I find information about recently added Christian movies on HBO Max?

By going to their official website or app, you may find out which movies have been added to HBO Max. They feature the newest pieces in their collection in one area.

Q: Can I cancel anytime my HBO Max subscription I want?

Of course! HBO Max members may conveniently and freely terminate their subscription at any time.

Q: What are some platforms similar to HBO Max where I can discover Christian movies info and dramas?

Movies are available on streaming services including Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime in addition to HBO Max. These sites likewise provide a variety of material covering a number of areas.

Q: How can I find videos related to Christian movies on HBO Max?

Using the search function or perusing well-chosen playlists and collections, you may locate movies on HBO Max.

Q: Are there any recommendations for Christian movies to watch on HBO Max?

For those who are interested in this genre, Absolutely HBO Max provides a customized list of recommended films along with a comprehensive movie selection.

Q: How can I stay updated on the latest Christian movies streaming on HBO Max?

By following the official social media accounts of the platform and subscribing to their newsletters, you may stay up to speed on the movies that are available for streaming on HBO Max.

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